

The Proceedings of the HS'15 were  published as a special issue Volume 39 (2015) of International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series.

The contents of the Proceedings will consist of invited papers plus a selection of contributed papers of the conference participants. All selected contributions will be peer-reviewed in the accordance with the standards set by the Editors of the journal.

The Proceedings will be produced from electronic camera-ready copy (CRC) that will be prepared in LaTeX and as Portable Document Format (PDF) files by the Authors.

The number of manuscript pages is set to 12 pages for 40' contribution and 6 pages for 20' contribution.

The exact date for the submission of the manuscripts to the Organizers of the Conference HS'15 is 31. August 2015.

Instructions on manuscripts preparation

International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series is a camera ready copy (CRC) journal. Please proofread your paper carefully before submitting as it will appear in the published volume in exactly the same form. You will receive no proofs.

The template package for the preparing CRC article with LaTeX you can download from the Conference link ZIP details about the included files you can find also on the journal webpage.

Once the package has been installed, edit the manuscript file "ws-ijmpcs.tex" according to the instructions in that file, and save with a new filename, preferably with your surname. The manuscript file should be compiled with PDFLaTeX (and BibTeX if desired).

The submission of a manuscript implies that it represents original work not previously published and not being considered for publication elsewhere. All previously published material shall be fully acknowledged in the manuscript.

All files of your contribution, i. e., TeX files, graphic files, final PDF file, send as one packed file to the Organizers not later than 31. August, 2015.