Location of the hotel

The Grand GRAND HOTEL BELLEVUE Resort is located in the oldest settlement of the High Tatra Mountains – Starý Smokovec – at the altitude of 1,010 metres above the sea level. The site is known as Pekná Vyhliadka („Beautiful View“), situated at the foothill of Slavkovský štít (Slavkovský Peak). The name of the hotel – BELLEVUE – is derived from the French translation of the site.

From the European point of view the High Tatra Mountains are a unique combination of natural beauties, alpine environment with excellent conditions for tourism and skiing, as well as climatic spa combining healing effects of altitude with sunshine and fresh air.

Due to the strategic location Grand Hotel Bellevue can be easily accessed by car, train or plane.


The nearest airports to the place of the Conference are in the cities: Poprad-Tatry (TAT), Košice (KSC), Bratislava (BTS) and Vienna (VIE).

The nearest train station is Starý Smokovec, which is departed from the Grand Hotel Bellevue approx. 10' walk (Filesee map).

Recommended transportation:

  • by plane to Košice airport:
    • bus No. 23 or taxi to Košice train station
    • train Košice — Poprad-Tatry train station
    • local train Poprad-Tatry — Starý Smokovec
  • by plain to Vienna airport:
    • bus Vienna Airport — Bratislava Airport
    • bus No. 61 from Bratislava Airport to Bratislava Central railway station
    • (alternatively: bus Vienna Airport — Bratislava Bus station, then trolley bus No. 210 to Bratislava Central railway station)
    • train Bratislava Central railway station — Poprad-Tatry train station
    • local train Poprad-Tatry — Starý Smokovec

Transport by bus

The connection of Vienna Airport with Bratislava Airport (resp. Bratislava Bus Station) is provided by bus company Eurolines or Blaguss. The journey takes approximately one hour, tickets are sold by bus driver or online on the companies sites.

The connection of Bratislava Airport and Bratislava Central railway station is provided by the public transport with bus No. 61. The tickets are sold at the ticket vendors or at news-stands.

The connection of Bratislava Bus station and Bratislava Central railway station is provided by the public transport with trolley bus No. 210. The tickets are sold at the ticket vendors or at news-stands.

Transport by train

The connection of Bratislava Central railway station (resp. Košice railway station) and Starý Smokovec via Poprad-Tatry is provided by the company Slovak Railway („Železničná spoločnosť Slovensko“). For the timetables and ticket purchase, please consult the company portal.

From Poprad-Tatry you can reach Starý Smokovec either by local trains or by the Tatra Electric Railway

Other transports

The information for drivers, Slovakia imposes a „road user fee“ for certain roads. The fee applies to all Slovaks and foreigners. The fee varies according to the engine size. The vignettes can be purchased at border crossings, gas stations and post offices. The cost of sticker for 10 days is 10,- €.

Another interesting way to enjoy the journey is to board train on the line Bratislava — Košice and then switch at Starý Smokovec, and take the cog railway (ozubnicová železnica) up to Štrbské Pleso and to continue to Starý Smokovec.

Any questions about travelling to the Conference place address to Organizing Committee.